Saturday, September 7, 2013

First post!

Hello friends! 

After graduating from Michigan State University and waiting for permanent employment, we have decided to hit the road for a few weeks. Our adventure will begin September 11th! We will blog our experiences in hopes to inspire you to get outside and enjoy your natural surroundings! Our plans are open ended, but for now we will begin the adventure by bike, heading north up the west coast of Michigan to the Mackinaw bridge. 

Hello, my name is Lydia! This bike tour is extremely important and exiting for me! Im looking forward to learning how to enjoy the days as they come, and stop stressing about the unknown future. I cannot wait to hit the road! Biking great distances is new for me and I look forward to documenting this trip not only for personal use, but to help future travelers with similar adventures.

Hello, Ryan here. Well it's about to get real. After four years of undergraduate degree and two years working towards a Master's of Science, I am about to be out of school and unemployed. And that means for the first time in ten years I have a lack of responsibilities and a bit of time for some real adventure. A bicycle tour seemed like the natural thing to do. Bicycles have been a part of my life since I was a little boy, gave me independence to travel and a taste for speed (and probably a little pain). I have always talked about traveling by bicycle but especially lately, have made excuses not to. Well enough of that, eh? I have some time on my hands, a yearning for adventure, and most importantly, a partner who is actually prodding me (with love and conviction) to get off my butt and ride! The time is now and I couldn't be happier!

The days leading up to our departure are going to be pretty busy. Ryan defend's his thesis on monday morning, so there may even be an update about that (think happy thoughts). We are going to try and write a few posts before we leave to show you what we will be bringing on our journey and maybe try to cement some actual plans. Well...whats the fun in that?

So where are we going? Well we don't really know. However here is a map of what we might do.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys! Thanks for the awesome post!! Come back anytime!!
    By the way, just in case folks are looking to camp with us we are the Betsie River Campsite (not campground)! in Frankfort MI

    Good luck with your journey! We will save some cookies for you!

